Wednesday 16 December 2009

Going east

Fri 25th Sept

A long drive through New Brunswick, nearly into Nova Scotia. Attractive colourful forest scenery. No moose seen despite numerous warning signs!

Sat 26th Sept

The northern coastline of Nova Scotia is quite attractive, with more varied use of land than in the parts of Quebec and New Brunswick which we drove through - agriculture, housing, forests, shoreline.

Found a lovely park by the shore, with a view across to Prince Edward Island, in which to have a picnic lunch, watching a variety of birds feeding along the red shoreline.

There is clear evidence in the place names of the settlement at various times of Scots, Irish, French and the First Nation (Indian) people, the Mi'kmak. In some places it seem more Scottish than much of Scotland with the street names given in Gaelic and English. We stayed the night just out of the small university town of Antigonish at an excellent farm B & B.

The Nova Scotians appear to take their Scottish heritage very seriously, though whether largely for tourists is unclear.

Local dish sampled (C) and enjoyed: locally caught and smoked salmon, with eggs, for breakfast.

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